Ellie Hayes of High Mountain Flowing Water Tai Chi - Washing ton County VermontWelcome to High Mountain Flowing Water Tai Chi. Instructor Ellie Hayes has been studying and teaching Tai Chi since the early 1970s. Modest-sized, multilevel classes offer ample opportunity for 1:1 instruction as well as peer mentoring.

Tai Chi comes to us from ancient China.  There are many styles or lineages of Tai Chi, each with its own unique features, but all styles of Tai Chi share core principles in common – among them, mind-body integration through slow, fluid, grounded movements.  Any style of Tai Chi can be practiced either to develop skill as a martial artist, or to enhance physical and spiritual wellbeing.

A Tai Chi Class
While these aims are not necessarily incompatible, classes offered through High Mountain Flowing Water emphasize body/mind integration, awareness of posture and balance, efficiency of movement for maximum ease, freeing internal energy to maximize health benefits, and channeling energy to express the spirit of each movement.